Научный потенциал вуза - производству и образованию
Электронный научный журнал
II Международная научно-практическая конференция студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей

Материалы докладов участников заочного этапа конференции будут размещены в срок до 18 октября 2018 года в журналах 3(1)-3(4) за 2018 г. в соответствии с заявленной секцией конференции

№ 3(1) 2018 г.

Секция 1: «Прикладные вопросы физико-математических наук»


№ 3(2) 2018 г.

Секция 2. «Прикладные вопросы естественных наук»


№ 3(3) 2018 г.

Секция 3. «Прикладные вопросы информатики и программирования»


№ 3(4) 2018 г.

Секция 4. «Формирование информационной образовательной среды в процессе изучения дисциплин естественно-математического цикла»

Междисциплинарные науки
Ali Kürşat Erümit 1, Nabiyev Vasif 2

1. Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
2. Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey


Problem solving takes place in instructional programs as a skill that one’s want to bring students acquire many countries in the world. That is why problem, problem solving and raising student achievement on problem solving are topics that many educators and psychologists study on. In these students computer applications are also take a considerable place along with variety of instructional methods. Among computer supported educational systems, artificial intelligent technologies have become prevalent and its importance increase regarding its attributes of helping decision making and monitoring by means of hierarchical trace of all learning processes of students, evaluating, determining educational needs, bringing knowledge and skills, guiding, detecting students’ mistakes, explaining where students make mistakes, realizing individualized learning. During the computerized problem solving activities, the transformation of the scenes that the students will create to text, is very important in terms of experiencing problem formation by students. Because it is very difficult for students to create a problem in textual format. For this reason, this study has developed a Natural Language Processing (NLP) module that enables students to analyze problems that they will create with visual tools and transform them into texts. In doing so, a rule-based and template-based method is used. In order to create the NLP module, first of all, an object store is created for each problem type. By analyzing the concepts of these objects, the sentence sequences of the elements necessary for forming a meaningful whole are determined. After these items are determined, the rules table is created in a template structure by determining the relations with each other and the values they can get within these relations. These operations were performed separately for each problem type. According to the applications, the database of the NLP controller can be expanded according to the needs.

Keywords: natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligent, Problem Solving, Teaching

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